Frequently Asked Questions

Where does meliwa come from?

MELIWA Electronics Singapore Pte. Ltd (meliwa) is a company specializing in home electronics technology established in 2019, located at One Raffles Place Tower 1, Singapore. At the end of 2022, meliwa is officially present in Vietnam.

How to buy products on meliwa's Website?
Step 1: Find the product to buy: Visit the website to find and select the product you want to buy Step 2: Order products: After choosing the product you want to buy, you proceed to order by
What are the best selling products in meliwa?

With a unique Robot design and friendly expression display, compact size and suitable capacity for the bedroom, meliwa M20 is the most favorite choice in meliwa.

How do I retrieve my account password?

To retrieve the account password created on meliwa, you can follow the following steps:

Step 1: Select "Login/Register" account, after entering your phone number or email, click "Continue".

Step 2: In the box "Enter password", select the line "Forgot password?"